Finding Freedom
Travel with us to Thessaloniki, Greece, and into the very dark world of its red-light district. You'll meet "Rania," a former trafficking victim. Hear her story and celebrate her freedom.
Travel with us to Thessaloniki, Greece, and into the very dark world of its red-light district. You'll meet "Rania," a former trafficking victim. Hear her story and celebrate her freedom.
Make no mistake, the devil is real and truly desires to destroy those who follow Christ. Today, Joyce concludes this important three-part series on how to win your war against the enemy.
Can your thoughts and words really make a difference in your life? Discover the truth as Joyce explains the importance of our thoughts and words and the various ways they impact our lives.
Are you building walls or bridges? Discover how being determined to trust in God's justice can build a bridge between you and God, rather than a wall.
Do you want more peace in your life? Today, Joyce discusses the importance of making peace and being a peacemaker with those around you.
God's Word is filled with truths that will guard your heart against the lies of the enemy. Learn how to stand up to his deception and be a powerful witness for Christ.
We can't take authority over the devil if we believe the lies he tells us. Today, Joyce shares how to walk in the power and authority God has given you.
Got questions? Joyce, Ginger, and Erin answer your questions about prayer, healing, relationships, and so much more.
From relationships to healing, Joyce, Ginger, and Erin answer your most asked questions, bringing encouragement, laughter, and practical wisdom for your everyday life.
When was the last time you prayed a really big prayer? If it's been awhile, Joyce, Ginger, and Erin have the answer to help you pray bigger, bolder, and more confident prayers than ever!
Is there a prayer you used to pray that you've given up on? Today, Joyce joins Ginger and Erin for a discussion on faith and praying big prayers!
Are you at peace with yourself? Today, Joyce discusses how being at peace with yourself will help you live in peace with everyone around you.
Today, Joyce shares healthy attitudes toward money, and practical wisdom for becoming debt-free. Watch now.
Do you think aggressively? As Jesus followers, it's important to be aggressive about the way you think and in everything you do. Today, Joyce shares the benefits of thinking and living aggressively.
Our enemy, the devil, aggressively works against us, and we need to aggressively work against him. Today, Joyce discusses what it means to live and think aggressively.
Do you ever feel disappointed in yourself, like you don't measure up? Today, Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and guest Riley Clemmons discuss "imposter syndrome" and so much more.
Whose opinion matters most to you? Join Joyce, Ginger, Erin, and guest Riley Clemmons as they "talk it out" and share how to see ourselves the way God see us.
What aspects of life as a woman are the most challenging? Today, Joyce joins Ginger, Erin, and special guest Lisa Bevere for a discussion about all the things women want to know!
Sometimes, it's hard to be a woman. Today, Joyce, Ginger, and Erin welcome Lisa Bevere to the set of Talk It Out for a lively discussion on letting go of unhealthy expectations.
At some point in life, everyone has trouble. Today, Joyce shares the keys to enjoying your life every day, no matter what's going on around you.