How to Make Tough Decisions
Navigating Life's Decisions with Peace and Purpose
Some decisions are awkward, unpleasant or even excruciating to make.
When I decided to go into ministry it wasn’t a popular decision. A lot of family and friends turned against me, I was asked to leave my church, I lost my reputation—and all I was doing was teaching a Bible study!
But what if I'd given up my calling for their comfort? What if I’d simply gone on with my life, wondering: Was it really God?
Despite all the discomfort I felt at the time, I am now very happy with the decision I made to believe God all those years ago.
Where Do You Go for Wisdom?
Think about your own life for a moment. When you have a tough decision to make, do you normally:
A) Seek advice from others,
B) Seek the wisdom of God, or
C) Make your own decision and ask God to bless it?
I hope you said “B,” because God has all the wisdom you need (see James 1:5), and He cares about everything that concerns you (see 1 Peter 5:7)!
If you struggle to believe that you can hear from God...please don’t let those feelings stop you.
Simply pray, “God, I want to hear from You. I believe you love me and want the best for me.
And I'm going to trust that You will speak to me, and that I will hear You clearly.”
God, Is That Really You?
One way we can be certain we are hearing from God is to follow peace. At times, God may lead us to make sudden changes, but He will always give us His peace in the midst of it.
Colossians 3:15 says, Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]....
To find where your peace lies, simply ask yourself: Is there a scripture that applies to my situation? What does the Word say I should do?
For example, if you need help making a financial decision, study scriptures on finances. If you need help with relationships, study God’s Word in that area.
After careful examination of God’s Word, let the peace in your heart decide with finality every question that arises in your mind.
Did I Make the Right Call?
Ultimately, you need to take responsibility for making the decision that brings peace to your heart. If you make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. But being true to what God has put on your heart is the key to your happiness.