National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, call or text 988

If you are contemplating suicide today, there is

Hope for Life.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
—Psalm 46:1

Reach Out for Help

Joyce Meyer Ministries
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Teen Suicide Hotline

Veterans Crisis Line

Deaf, Hard of Hearing Lifeline, call or text

God is the “God of hope,” full of mercy and new beginnings (Romans 15:13). And He wants you to be full of hope—believing, expecting, and anticipating great things from Him even through the darkest of times.

Testimonies of Hope

I was convinced I wasn't needed.

I lost my son to suicide.

I said "God, if you're real you're going to have to stop me."

I cried out to Jesus.

I took it one hour at a time.

I believed no one could help me.

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