Hand of Hope in Jamaica @tag1>
Population: 2,930,050 - ranks 139th worldwide
Literacy: 87.6%
Official Language: English; most speak Jamaican Creole.
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 10,991 sq. km. The 3rd largest island in the Caribbean.
Book Translation
Thousands of books by Joyce have been distributed in Jamaica.
International Conferences
2001: Joyce ministered to thousands in Kingston and Montego Bay.
Hand of Hope hosted an Extreme Weekend Youth Crusade reaching 7,000 youth; 200 received salvation.
2000: The prison team brought 4,000 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books into 11 Jamaican prisons.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television and radio shows are available in English in select areas of the country.