Fresh Dreams Served Daily

Hand of Hope shares the stories of four kids whose lives have been changed by partner-funded feeding programs.

Hand of Hope
Fresh Dreams Served Daily

Hunger is one of the most debilitating needs a person can face. When you’re struggling to feed yourself and your family, despair can easily take over and steal every thread of hope imaginable. That’s why Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, is fighting so hard to meet this universal need.

Through the incredible support of our partners, we provide nutritious meals to children and their families in 24 nations—at schools, inner-city food pantries and hundreds of feeding centers worldwide. Together, we’re not just filling their stomachs…but we’re feeding their dreams and giving them a future. Here are just a few stories of the beautiful people whose lives you’ve changed forever.


Yalee lives with his parents and two siblings in Nam Yon Village, Laos. Before he joined the Hand of Hope-supported feeding program, his health often suffered from a lack of nutrition. But now, because of your support, he feels great and is learning, growing, and thriving.

“I have a good time at the feeding program, meeting new friends and having good food,” Yalee told us. “The volunteers teach us the Word of God, and I think Jesus Christ is my Lord. Before I had a stomachache and a headache, but now my health is better, and I have good grades. I dream when I finish school to be a teacher, so I can help many people.”


Anusha lives in a cramped, single-room house with her parents, brother and grandmother. She's so glad to have the local Hand of Hope feeding program where she can receive daily meals, be with her friends, and learn all about Jesus and the wonderful dreams He has for her future.

Anusha has hopes of becoming a teacher, and because of you, she just might. You are making all the difference for Anusha and so many others through our feeding centers all across India.


Pongphop’s parents work hard at farming in a neighbor’s field, but they’ve struggled to put food on the table for their children. Sometimes Pongphop wouldn’t have anything to to eat for an entire day.

Thankfully, since he began attending one of our feeding centers in Thailand, Pongphop’s health has improved dramatically and he now excels in his studies. Best of all, he is learning all about Jesus and God’s amazing love for him and his family. Hopeful and energetic, he approaches each day with a contagious smile. With a bright future ahead, he dreams of becoming a policeman and says he knows Jesus will help him have a good future.

Souad Saad—Egypt

Eight-year-old Souad and her family live by the city’s garbage dump and make barely enough money to survive, much less cover the children’s education, medicines and rent. But even as the price of food continues to rise in Egypt, your giving is making a difference.

Because of you, we are able to partner with Heart of Mercy to provide care packages—including rice, macaroni, oil, tuna, beans, lentils and other essential food items—for Souad’s family and hundreds of others each month. Best of all, these families now know the love of Christ and see these food packages as a literal expression of His care for them. Thank you for giving Souad and these precious families hope for their future…and much-needed support in their present.

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