Finding Her Voice

Find out how your support is reaching people in Israel and the Middle East.

Hand of Hope
2 min read

Born in Jerusalem’s Old City, Lina Sarah grew up surrounded by history, with holy sites like the Temple Mount and the Western Wall in her own backyard.

Although much has changed over the centuries, Lina says some things remain the same. “In our culture,” she says, “They usually prefer the boy over the girl.”

From early on, Lina experienced the insecurities that come with such preferences. However, raised in a Christian family, she accepted Christ at 13, then made an even stronger commitment several years later.

“Finishing high school at the age of 18, I thought, This is the life I want. So, from that time, I was following the Lord.”

As the years went by and she approached her 40s, Lina also had to deal with the additional stigma of being single. Her family was openly disappointed when she didn’t marry as a young woman like most others. “Different” was not good.

Then, in 2003, Lina discovered a voice of confidence when she began watching Al Hayat, a Christian network throughout the Middle East. One day, as she was flipping through the channels, she came across Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life program in Arabic.

“When I began to watch her, I was surprised because she’s a woman,” Lina says. “It’s strange in our culture to see a woman teaching.”

As the months and years went by, the Lord continued to use the program to help Lina grow in the Word...and also grow in the confidence of who He created her to be.

“Joyce taught me not to be afraid of anything and just to be bold,” she says. “You can’t ignore the culture, but you can be a mentor to someone else.”

Today, Lina is bold, passionate and more confident than ever in who she is in Christ. She has found her voice, and now looks to share this freedom with other women.

Lina is also grateful for our partners who make it possible for God’s Word to reach her and millions of others throughout the Middle East.

“In some countries, like Muslim countries, there are no preachers, and I think the only way they know about Jesus is through the media,” she says. “Joyce is one of the voices they listen I pray the Lord will spread His word through her. And not only through her but through all of us.”

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