The Cure For Stress

Finding Peace and Rest in the Midst of Life's Pressures

Joyce Meyer
2 min read

Vacation—what a great idea.

Many of us just are coming off the busy holiday season, and long for a break from the pressures of work and daily life. But did you know you can have a vacation more than just occasionally?

As a child of God, every day can be a vacation. Don’t tune me out after reading that. I know you might be facing some incredible pressure right now, and the idea of a daily vacation seems ridiculous.

Let me explain. Throughout my life journey, I’ve discovered something wonderful: You don’t have to live life anxious, worried, or stressed-out. Jesus has a much better plan for you. You can decide to give your soul a vacation every day! Jesus said …learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls (Matthew 11:29 AMP).

I love how this verse says “rest, renewal and blessed quiet for your souls.” Doesn’t that sound great? That’s the life Jesus came to give you!

For many years, I had no idea how to live this kind of life. Instead, I wasted many days worrying and stressing-out over just about everything: Are the kids going to be okay? How are we going to pay these bills? Am I making the right decision? What does so-and-so think of me? These were my daily struggles.

Can you relate? Do you find yourself constantly battling stress? Well, as I turned those anxious thoughts and feelings over to God, He began showing me that stress doesn’t have to control my life. Sure, I’m still going to face stressful and worrisome situations, but I don’t have to let them steal my peace and joy.

Stress doesn’t have the final say in your life—God does! Daily life has its fair share of challenges, but you don’t have to face them on your own. God is with you, and He has a cure for stress! In Matthew 11:28, Jesus, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened…and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation].”

When we come to the Lord and lay our burdens and cares at His feet, He promises to give us much-needed rest! Remember, life in Christ isn’t a life of stress. It’s a life of peace, joy and rest—a vacation for your soul!

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