Loving Others When You Don't Like Them @tag1>
Embracing God's View of Others for Greater Love and Joy @tag2>
There are lots of reasons why we decide that we don’t like someone. Perhaps they have a personality type that we don’t enjoy, or maybe it’s the way they look or act.
One thing’s for certain—the way we choose to think about a person not only affects their life, but it also affects our own personal joy and happiness.
In John 13:34, Jesus instructs us to love one another…and this includes the people we don’t necessarily like. First Corinthians 13:4, 7 (AMPC) says, Love endures long and is patient and kind…Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person…
See People The Way God Sees Them
First Samuel 16:7 says: For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. If we are willing, we can learn to think about people the way God thinks about them. We’ll recognize each person as a valuable possibility instead of a potential problem.
Walking in love begins in our mind. Our thoughts, good or bad, have a tremendous impact on those around us. They show on our face, in our body language, and in our behavior toward people.
Thoughts also prepare us for action. Proverbs 23:7 says, For as he thinks in his heart, so is he... In other words, where the mind goes, the man follows!
It is very difficult (if not impossible) for me to be kind and friendly to people when I see them if I think evil thoughts about them when I am not with them. I might fake it, but any smart person would realize something wasn’t right.
We’re never going to like everyone we encounter, but we are called to love others to the best of our ability. And the truth is, the person you avoid all the time could be hurting and in need of your friendship or a listening ear.
I encourage you to focus on the positive. Go out of your way to believe the best and focus on the good things about people. When you do, you are loving them like Christ…and filling your own life with His peace and joy.