4 Ways to Energize Your Faith @tag1>
Ready to take your faith to the next level? @tag2>

God’s Word contains thousands of promises for His children to have and enjoy. But if we’re really going to have them, then we need to pursue them with childlike faith...as if we’re playing a real life game of Hide and Seek.
You may be wondering, Why aren’t more Christians pursuing God’s promises?
I think the more time we spend in the world, with imperfect people, the harder it is to believe that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He says He will do. But God is always faithful and true to His Word (Numbers 23:19).
Even on our worst days—when we’re furthest away from what we think God created us to be—He’s still with us, loving us...because all He sees is Christ in us. In order to arrive at that level of security, we’ve got to spend a lot of time in the Word, because it’s the truth that sets us free (John 8:32).
Doubt and unbelief, on the other hand, can cause us to miss out on the very things God has planned for us.
If you want to enjoy each day of your life and start to pursue God’s promises with renewed hope and childlike faith, here are five things you absolutely must choose to believe.
1. You can do anything God says you can do.
For example, Matthew 5:44 commands us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. We must stop pretending it's too hard! No matter how bad we are hurting, we can give it to God and be healed.
God’s Word also tells us that we are able to escape temptation of all kinds (1 Corinthians 10:13), and love others as we ourselves want to be loved (Matthew 22:39). I encourage you to trust God, and believe.
2. God can change anyone and any circumstance.
It does us no good to look at our children, our spouse, or our circumstances and say, “They’re never going to change.” We may not be able to change them, but God can (Matthew 19:26).
I encourage you to always believe the best of others, keeping a good attitude and trusting God to do the work in them that needs to be done. The truth is, we could all use a little more work. Before you give up on anybody, just ask yourself, Has God given up on them?
3. God can make all things work together for your good.
Before I started teaching God’s Word, I had all kinds of different jobs. I've been a bookkeeper, a waitress, an office manager...and some of those places were very difficult for me to be.
Looking back, I realize how God was using each one of those jobs to teach me an important lesson in life.
If you’re unhappy with where you currently are, I encourage you to cling tightly to Romans 8:28. In time, God’s good purposes and plans for your life will be revealed.
4. Your time is in God's hands.
Has God ever led you away from an inconvenient or even life threatening situation? I remember one day when Dave and I were at a restaurant, and Dave was taking his time talking with the waiter. I wanted him to hurry up so we could go home! But when we finally did start driving, we discovered that if we’d left any sooner, we might have been involved in a horrible car accident just down the road.
Sometimes God gives us detours, but you can trust that your times are in His hands.
Dare to believe God’s promises are for you!
Life is so wonderful when you get to the point where you just know that even if you didn't get things the way you wanted, God has something better for you in store.
I encourage you to study His Word for yourself. Find out about the promises He has in store...and then start to pursue them. Have yourself a good game of Hide and Seek! God will always do what He says He will do...you just have to choose to believe.