God’s Righteousness @tag1>

Adapted from Daily Devotions from Psalms
Answer me when I call, God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; be gracious to me and hear my prayer.
In today’s verse, David calls upon the Lord as “God of my righteousness.” The Bible mentions two types of righteousness. I think most people view righteousness as a quality that comes from right behavior, but a totally different kind of righteousness is available to us as believers in Jesus Christ.
God’s righteousness can be simply defined as “right standing with Him,” and it is a gift He gives to us when we receive Christ as Lord and Savior. It is a gift of His grace, which we receive through faith. We cannot do anything to earn it or make ourselves worthy of it; it has already been paid for through Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.
God views us as righteous in Christ because Jesus has taken our sin and given us His righteousness. Because of this act of love and mercy, God now thinks of us as right with Him in every way. We do not have to think of ourselves as “wrong,” but we can be confident that we are in right relationship with God through Christ.
Prayer of the Day: Father, thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sin and to give me His righteousness.