You Can Hear from God @tag1>

Adapted from Daily Devotions from Psalms
To you, Lord, I call; you are my Rock, do not turn a deaf ear to me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who go down to the pit.
One word from God can change our life forever. We have His written Word, but He also speaks to our heart. First Kings 19:12 refers to this as a still, small voice (AMPC). God speaks to His people in many ways, and we should expect Him to speak to us.
This morning, I asked the Lord if there was anything He wanted to say to me. As I waited quietly for His response, I heard the whisper of God in my heart. What I heard encouraged me greatly and left me excited about the future. The Bible is filled with stories of God speaking to His people, and we are no different. Most often He speaks to us through His Word, but He also speaks in other ways. I encourage you to listen for His voice and learn how to hear from Him.
David writes in today’s scripture that if God were silent, he would feel as though he lived in a pit. How discouraging! Obviously, we need to hear from God to stay encouraged.
Don’t be afraid of making mistakes as you grow in hearing God’s voice. You probably will make some mistakes, as we all do, but you can learn from them. God loves you, and as long as your heart is right and you want to learn, He will work with you, teaching you to recognize His voice. Just remember that God never says anything to us that doesn’t agree with His Word.
Prayer of the Day: Father, I want to hear Your voice, and I pray that I will not be deceived. I am ready to learn from You, and I ask You to teach me.