New Hope for Each Day

Joyce Meyer – Nov 28, 2024
An open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional, sitting in a bed of flowers.

Adapted from Closer to God Each Day

It is because of the Lord’s mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness.

I like the way God has divided up the days and nights. No matter how difficult or challenging a specific day may be, the breaking of dawn brings new hope. God wants us to regularly put the past behind and find a place of “new beginnings.”

Perhaps you have felt trapped in some sin or addiction, and although you have repented, you still feel guilty. If that is the case, be assured that sincere repentance brings a fresh, new start because of God’s promise of forgiveness.

Only when you understand the great mercy of God and begin receiving it are you more inclined to give mercy to others. You may be hurting from an emotional wound. The way to put the past behind is to forgive the person who hurt you. You do yourself a favor when you forgive.

God has new plans on the horizon of your life, and you can begin to realize them by choosing to live in the present rather than the past. Thinking and talking about the past keeps you trapped in it. Let go of what happened yesterday, make the choice to receive God’s love and forgiveness today, so that you can get excited about His plan for tomorrow.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, help me embrace new beginnings each day. Teach me to forgive, release the past, and receive Your mercy so I can look forward to Your great plans for my future, amen.

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