Who You Should Talk To

Joyce Meyer – Sep 11, 2024
Eyeglasses sitting on an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Power Thoughts Devo

Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes]….

The Word of God clearly teaches us not to seek or follow the advice of the ungodly. If you do need advice, get it from a true friend who will love you enough to disagree with you if necessary. Seek out someone with mature spiritual character who is making good decisions about his or her own life before asking that person what you should do with yours. Also, be sure that person can be trusted with your secrets if what you are sharing is something private.

If a person tells you someone else’s secrets, you can be assured they will also tell yours; therefore, choose your friends wisely.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, please help me to be more decisive and to seek wise, godly counsel from people that You have placed in my life, amen.

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