Fight in God’s Strength

Joyce Meyer – Sep 02, 2024
Bible open on an entry table ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Managing Your Emotions

He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.’”

Are you asking God for something or believing that He will fulfill a promise He has made? During times like this, we can be tempted to believe that once God does what we are believing Him to do, everything will be wonderful and we will have no more problems. But trusting God often means facing obstacles to our breakthrough and taking steps of faith.

We would be wise to remember how God led the Israelites into the Promised Land. After they crossed the Jordan River, their journey was not easy. They had to fight one enemy after another. As they learned to lean on God and His strength, not relying on their human abilities, they were victorious.

When you’re filled with hope and faith that God’s going to do something wonderful in your life, it’s natural to feel happy and excited. But if you face an unexpected obstacle, you may be discouraged. If the obstacle is big, you may even want to give up at times. When things get difficult as you move toward God’s promises, remember the Israelites, and don’t let the battles intimidate you. If something becomes difficult or frustrating, it doesn’t mean God isn’t leading you. He may take you through a test or trial so you can grow stronger or demonstrate your faith. He may be maturing you spiritually so you will be able to handle the blessings He wants to bring into your life.

Anytime you face a battle, remember that the battle belongs to the Lord. God will not only strengthen you in the midst of difficulty, but He will also fight for you.

Prayer of the Day: Lord, when I face various battles, help me not to rely on my own strength but to lean on You and Your strength, remembering that You fight for me.

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