Relax in the Keeping Power of God @tag1>

Adapted from Trusting God Day by Day
For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
A lady who works for me says that she doesn’t have a “big” testimony. She just grew up in the church, loving God. She got married, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and then came to work for us. Through our ministry, she was moved by the testimonies of drug addicts and people who have suffered abuse. One day she asked God, “Lord, why don’t I have a testimony?” He said, “You do have a testimony. Your testimony is that I kept you from all of it.” God had kept her from the pain that results from being separated from Him.
The keeping power of God is a great testimony! Some people are kept from tragic things. Some people are kept as they go through tragic things. His plan for each one of us is perfect, and we can trust His keeping power!
Psalm 91 teaches that He will give His angels charge over us, and they will protect and defend us. It’s true that some things happen in our lives that we don’t like, but what has God kept us from that we never even knew Satan had planned against us? We need to thank God for His keeping power. We can relax knowing that He is our Keeper.
I don’t know how I’ve done what I’ve done over these past years. I look back at my calendars and see how hard I’ve worked. I read some of my prayer journals and remember some of the things I’ve gone through with people, and the hurt I’ve felt. I think, How did I ever get through that? But God held me together. He strengthened me. He kept me. And I can see now that I worried about a lot of things I didn’t have to worry about because they worked out okay anyway. God will do the same thing for you as you trust Him.
God has a plan, and He is working His plan. We can trust that and relax. Psalm 145:14 (AMPC) says, The Lord upholds all those [of His own] who are falling and raises up all those who are bowed down.
Prayer of the Day: Father God, Your Word says that You never sleep nor slumber. Help me to relax and trust You to strengthen me and protect me all the days of my life. Help me to trust Your plan and find peace in Your care, amen.