And the Lord said to Moses, Speak to the Israelites, that they take for Me an offering. From every man who gives it willingly and ungrudgingly with his heart you shall take My offering.
When we talk about a willing heart, we are basically talking about "want to." Without it we will never do anything.
"Want to" is a powerful thing. With it you can lose weight, keep your house clean, save money, get out of debt, or reach any other goal in life you may have set for yourself. You don't really like to face the fact that your victory or defeat has a lot to do with your "want to."
We like to blame everything on someone or something else. But you need to sit down and take a good old-fashioned inventory of your "want to." You need to be honest enough to say, "Lord, I didn't win the victory because I really didn't want to." Tonight, ask the Lord to give you plenty of "want to."
Prayer of the Day: Lord, I want to have a willing heart. I want to have a lot of “want-to.” I need Your help to meet my goals, amen.