Living with Excellence

Joyce Meyer – Feb 14, 2024
A close up of a Bible, the pages being flipped through.

Adapted from Quiet Times with God

Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men.

Whatever God has placed before you to do—whether it is working in a career, raising a family, being a friend, starting a ministry—He wants you to do it with excellence. He wants you to do your absolute best for Him.

Mediocrity is easy. Anybody can do it. But it is costly. It costs us fulfillment. And it costs us real joy. One way to find purpose and joy in life is to pray in your quiet time with God that He will always help you to be excellent in all you do each day.

This doesn’t mean you will be perfect. We all make mistakes and stumble from time to time. But with God’s help, you can learn from those mistakes and purpose to do every new thing before you with excellence in service to Him.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, I never want to settle for a mediocre life. Show me the excellent way to go, help me find my purpose and joy, and the grace to enjoy life even in my imperfections, amen.

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