Watch and Pray

Joyce Meyer – Dec 12, 2023
1 min read
A pen sitting on an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional with candles in the background.

Adapted from Closer to God Each Day

All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Fear is Satan’s way of trying to prevent us from going forward so we cannot enjoy the life Jesus died to give us. And fear attacks everyone at some time. But fears are not realities. Fears are False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear is a force that can weaken our lives if we give in to it, but God desires to strengthen us as we fellowship with Him in prayer. Faith is released through prayer, which makes tremendous power available for our lives.

The Bible teaches us to “watch and pray.” With God’s help, we can watch ourselves and the circumstances around us and be alert to the attacks the enemy launches against our minds and emotions. When these attacks are detected, we can go to God immediately in prayer. He is our strong tower, and when we are in Him there is nothing to fear.

The best way to resist the devil is to pray. Our honest, sincere prayers draw us closer to God. And the closer we are to God, the easier it is to dismiss fear.

Prayer of the Day: Father, I want to be generous. I want to be a giver. Please cultivate in me a generous heart. Cause me to be eager to bless and serve others, amen.

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