Keep Calm and Rest in God’s Love

Embracing God's Unchanging Love for You

Joyce Meyer
4 min read

Insecurity is a hard mountain to climb. I climbed it for many years, trying to believe that God loved me, trying to have faith that His plans for my life would come to pass. Trying in my own strength was exhausting, and I desperately needed a breakthrough—I just didn’t know what kind.

You see, at that time, I didn’t know about the importance of having a relationship with God. So, when I learned that I could believe Him for anything, I started believing for every “thing” you could imagine: a bigger house, a fur coat, a promotion at work…. I thought those things would make me feel happy and fulfilled. But they weren’t what I really needed at all.

Romans 14:17 says, For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

When God showed me that scripture, He was basically saying, “Why not put a hold on ‘stuff’ for awhile?” He wanted me to slow down and think more deeply about His love for me and what He had planned for my life.

It turns out the “stuff” I’d been seeking wasn’t nearly as valuable as knowing Him. What I needed most was to understand the depth of God’s love for me so that I could finally be at peace with me.

So, let me ask you a few questions. Do you like yourself? Do you know who you are in Christ? Do you ever wonder if God is mad at you?

The truth is, God is not mad at you. His love for you has no end (see Romans 8:38-39)! And He wants you to know He’s with you, He’s for you, and that He has a good plan for your life (see Isaiah 41:10 and Jeremiah 29:11). You, too, can experience this same peace as you learn to enter the rest of God, and I want to show you how.

Decide to Agree with God

Isaiah 61:10 says, I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness….

The first thing you can do is agree with Scripture every day and say, “I’m blessed because God loves me. All my sins are covered because Jesus died to set me free.” And keep going from there. Speak out the scriptures that the Holy Spirit leads you to speak out over your life.

Another way to keep yourself grounded in the truth is to keep a written record of what the Holy Spirit speaks to you through Scripture.

Each time God does something for you, big or small, write it down in a journal and refer back to it from time to time. As you do, you will become more firmly established in the truth. And some day, suddenly, that mountain of insecurity will melt away, and God’s love will be the solid foundation of your life.

Don’t Listen to the Enemy

Let me tell you a story. I was 9 years old the day I received Christ, and the following day, the enemy led me to believe I lost my salvation when I cheated in a game of hide-and-seek. The lie was absolutely ridiculous, but I believed it for another 20 years! And it pains me to think of just how many people in the world today are listening to the devil and believing his lies.

Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

No matter what the enemy tells you, God is not giving up on you. So, please don't let the devil steal 10 or 20 years of your life before you realize that God is faithful, and He has loved you all along! Take a step of faith to believe God’s Word today, because it is the truth that sets you free.

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