God Has Your Answers @tag1>
The Holy Spirit Wants to Guide You @tag2>

Life is full of questions, and people look for answers and guidance in a lot of places. We wonder about “big” things like who we should marry, what career path we should take, or the best way to raise our children.
Every day, we’re also faced with hundreds of “little” decisions like what we should eat, how we should interact with others, how we choose to spend our time...and the list goes on.
The good news is we were never meant to face these questions and challenges by ourselves. The Holy Spirit is there as a constant Companion to strengthen and help us—to guide us into God’s perfect will for our lives.
Look what Jesus said to His disciples: But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future] (John 16:13 AMPC).
I love this! The Holy Spirit wants to “guide you into all the truth.” And like I mentioned, it’s not just about the big stuff. He wants to help guide you in every little detail of your life.
“Help me!” has become one of my favorite prayers to pray! Whether I’m writing a book or simply picking out my outfit for the day, I know I can call on the Holy Spirit for direction and help with anything.
The Spirit & the Word
I often tell people that if they want to receive direction from God, they need to commit to being a student of His Word. Why? Because God uses His Word as the primary way to speak to us. The Word is filled with His wisdom, instruction, and commands—it is full of information about His will for our lives.
The more we read, study and fill our minds with God’s Word, the more intimately acquainted we become with Him...and the easier it becomes to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to our hearts.
In John 14:26, Jesus says the Holy Spirit ...will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you (AMPC).
When we fill ourselves with God’s Word—when we take the time to really know what it says—we are cooperating with God to hear from Him. When we encounter various situations in life and require His wisdom and direction, the Holy Spirit will help remind us what His Word says to do.
I can’t tell you how many times the Lord has given me direction or spoken a word of encouragement by reminding me of His Word at just the right time.
There was a season in my life when God used Galatians 6:9 to help me persevere and not give up. Over and over, the Holy Spirit kept reminding me, “Be not weary in well-doing, for in due season you shall reap if you don’t faint or give up!”
This message from the Lord helped me to push through that season without quitting. I’m so glad I had taken the time to know what His Word said so the Holy Spirit could encourage me with it at just the right time!
Make an Appointment with God
The Lord says in Psalm 46:10, Be still, and know that I am God (NKJV).
One of the most important things we can do is take time to “be still” before God. More than ever before, people today live frantic, hurried, and stressful lifestyles, and this makes it even more difficult to hear God speak.
That’s why taking regular time to get away and be alone with the Lord is so vital. I encourage you to spend time just sitting quietly in His presence. Get away from all distractions and interruptions. Take time to pray and read God’s Word, but also take time to just listen.
I’ll never forget when God was teaching me this lesson years ago. There were times when I got so busy that it became difficult to “squeeze God in” so to speak. Taking time to get away and seek Him is often easier said than done. One day, the Lord spoke to my heart and said:
“Don’t try to work Me into your schedule—work your schedule around Me.”
Our time with God is where everything begins, and we need to do whatever it takes to protect it, even if that means not being involved in quite as many groups or activities. But as we do, the rewards are so great—God promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13)!
Now, when we seek God, He may not give us an answer that very day, but we can be assured that He will provide the direction we need as we trust Him.
I remember one woman who came to me a while back. She said, “Joyce, I was really praying and seeking God about something one evening, but I didn’t sense Him saying anything to me during my time with Him. I was discouraged. But then a couple days later, as I was simply walking to the refrigerator to get something, Bam! He spoke something really specific to my heart!”
I love this! If you don’t get an answer right away, don’t worry—and don’t give up seeking God. Because as you continually stay tuned in to Him, you will get better and better at recognizing His direction when He speaks to your heart.
I believe one of the most important lessons is to keep it simple. When you need help, just ask! It can be about anything—at anytime and anywhere. And the more you acknowledge the Holy Spirit and ask for help, the more you’ll discover His guidance and ability in every single thing you do.