Joyce Meyer to Release New Book in September 2024: What About Me

“This is the second most important book I’ve ever written"

Staff Writer – Sep 05, 2024
2 min read

(Fenton, MO.) – NY Times bestselling author and Bible Teacher Joyce Meyer officially launches her latest book, What About Me: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Discover the Power of an Unselfish Life, on September 10, 2024. The launch marks Joyce’s 151st book release, to date.

“This is the second most important book I’ve ever written, the first being Battlefield of the Mind,” said Joyce. “Living selfishly is like living in a solitary confinement prison cell. When we allow ourselves to live this way, we find ourselves lonely and unfulfilled. We are not created to live selfishly, but to reach out to others. As we do, God will give us a life worth living.”

With today’s modern culture encouraging people to pursue happiness and success through the lens of self-promotion, readers will learn how and why this conflicts with God’s Word and discover how to avoid self-sabotage. This book will take readers on a journey to discovering that there is so much more for them in an unselfish life.

Joyce Meyer has authored more than 150 books, several of which became NY Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into more than 160 languages, and over 39 million books have been distributed worldwide, to date.

For more information or to request an interview, please contact Lori Potter at

About Joyce Meyer Ministries

Joyce Meyer Ministries (JMM) is an international nonprofit organization headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri that is focused on reaching people for Christ worldwide.  Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life program is broadcast on TV, radio and online to millions in 109 languages.  And the ministry’s outreach arm, Hand of Hope, provides humanitarian relief through its hundreds of global outreaches. In 2023, JMM served more than 22 million meals through feeding centers in 26 countries, provided free medical care to over 41,475 people in multiple nations, and reached hundreds of thousands of others through disaster relief and humanitarian crisis intervention efforts, funded fresh water well projects and continue to rescue and restore women and girls from human trafficking.

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