He'd Save For Years to Build Their Home @tag1>
As rescue teams and aid started to trickle into Lalithpur district, Tuicha felt a stirring of hope. @tag2>

Tuicha, a truck contractor, has worked hard all his life to provide for his family. He’s in his early 70s, but has had to continue working to care for his son, who is differently-abled.
Though life has not been easy, he had recently saved up enough to start building his own home. Though it would be small, they were very happy.
But when the earthquake hit Nepal, all of that happiness crumbled right alongside his home.
Heartbroken, they wondered how they would go about rebuilding their shattered lives. As rescue teams and aid started to trickle into Lalithpur district, Tuicha felt a stirring of hope.
Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, has been able to reach out to many people and among them was Tuicha. As they handed out food supplies, blankets and first aid, Tuicha’s wife was thrilled. She now had the supplies she needed to cook her family a proper meal!
Because of your generosity and the kindness of our team in Nepal, Tuicha and his wife are filled with hope about the future and believe they will be able to rebuild their home again very soon!