Hand of Hope in Zimbabwe
Population: 13,771,721 - ranks 71st worldwide
Literacy: 90%
Official Language: English
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 390,759 sq. km. Landlocked country in south-central Africa.
Book Translation
Seven of Joyce’s books in English have been distributed in the country. Over 1,100,000 books have been distributed through various outreaches.
Feeding Programs
Hand of Hope serves millions of meals yearly through our feeding programs in this country.
International Conferences
2010: Joyce held a Festival of Life in Zimbabwe. The attendance for the three nights was more than 530,000.
Medical/Dental Missions
- 2019: Our volunteers treated 3,381 patients; 908 people accepted Christ.
- 2014: Our volunteers treated 2,516 patients, 472 people accepted Christ.
- 2011: Our volunteers treated 2,427 patients; 1,297 accepted Christ.
- 2011: In partnership with Maoko Ane Tsitsi purchased 135 corrective braces to help restore the feet of over 415 children.
- 2010: During the Festival of Life, our volunteers treated 3,216 patients and more than 1,900 people gave their lives to the Lord.
- ERDO - Emergency Relief & Development Organization
- CCM - Childcare Ministries
- CTT - Center for Total Transformation
Prison Ministry
2010: In conjunction with the Festival of Life, over 50 prisons were visited where 26,000 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books were distributed. Joyce and Dave passed out the ministry's 2 millionth gift bag at one of the prisons.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in English in select areas across the country, and previously aired on radio.
Water Relief
Through our water relief program, Hand of Hope has provided 37 wells bringing fresh drinking water to villages.