Hand of Hope in Ukraine

Hand of Hope

Population: 44,291,413 - ranks 31st worldwide 
Literacy: 99%
Official Language: Ukrainian, but Russian is widely spoken. 
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 603,700 sq. km. A flat, fertile, forested plain with few natural boundaries.

Anti-Human Trafficking Rescue

Hand of Hope partners with A21 to combat the sex trafficking industry, rescuing girls who have been enslaved by it.  

Book Translation

Eleven of Joyce’s books have been translated into Ukrainian and we have distributed more than 40,000 copies. Most people, however, speak the Russian language. To date, we have translated and distributed more than fifty of Joyce's book titles in Russian.

Disaster Relief
  • 2016: Hand of Hope provided humanitarian relief with food and Joyce’s books to refugees.
  • 2015: Hand of Hope provided food, hygiene items and Joyce’s books to refugees.
International Conferences
  • 2007: Joyce spoke at a Hillsong conference in Kiev.
  • 2006: Joyce held a conference in Kiev, Ukraine. More than 21,000 people attended three meetings over the course of two days. Hundreds accepted Christ.
  • 2002: Joyce ministered to thousands of people at a conference. 

Hand of Hope has teamed with local ministries to host conferences and leadership training seminars. We have also worked in conjunction with Rick Renner Ministries to support a pastors fellowship.  

Prison Ministry
  • 2018: The team visited 5 prisons; distributing 1,215 hygiene gift bags including on of Joyce's books. 
  • 2017: The team visited 54 prisons; distributing 5,258 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books. 
  • 2015: The team visited 30 prisons; distributed 3,800 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce’s books.
  • 2014: The team visited 19 prisons, distributing 6,220 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books.
  • 2011: The prison visited a prison, distributed 1,000 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books.  

Television and Radio

Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in Russian in select areas across the country.