Hand of Hope in Russia

Hand of Hope
2 min read

Population: 142,470,272 - ranks 9th  
Literacy: 99% 
Official Language: Russian
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area- 17,075,400 sq km. The world's largest country extending across 9 time zones between the Baltic and the Pacific. 

Book Translation

More than fifty-five of Joyce’s books have been translated and printed in the Russian language.  Over 1.5 million have been distributed through outreaches.

Feeding Programs

Hand of Hope has served over 168,000 meals in Russia partnering with House of Mercy.

Foreign Office

In cooperation with Rick Renner Ministries, Joyce Meyer Ministries operates an office in Moscow, Russia, servicing most of the former USSR. 

International Conferences
  • 2006 - Joyce ministered at the Moscow Good News Church.
  • 2002 - Joyce ministered in Moscow at the Universal Sports Hall "Druzhba" where hundreds received salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Hand of Hope partners with Rick Renner Ministries. Together, we have established churches in Moscow, supported missionaries in Russia, distributed vitamins to the elderly, conducted pastors fellowship meetings and hosted Extreme Weekend Youth Crusades, reaching youth across the country.

Prison Ministry
  • 2018:  The prison teams visited 5 prisons; distributed 2,842 hygiene gift bags including one of Joyce's books
  • 2015:  The prison team visited 2 prisons; distributed 300 hygiene gift bags, and one of Joyce's books.  
Television and Radio

Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television and radio shows have been available in Russian since 1997 in select areas across the country. When Joyce’s show aired in Russia in 1997, it was our first foreign-language program ever broadcast.  Today, the show airs in multiple languages on several stations throughout the former Soviet Union.  

Water Relief

Hand of Hope has supported the digging of a well to provide fresh drinking water.