Hand of Hope in Papua New Guinea

Hand of Hope
Population: 6,552,730 - ranks 104th worldwide 
Literacy: 57% 
Official Language: English; Tok Pisin 
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 462,840 sq. km. Eastern half of New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. 

Book Translation

Thousands of Joyce's books in English have been distributed throughout this country. Over 2 million pieces of literature were distributed during the Festival of Life outreach in 2009.    

International Conferences

2009: Joyce held a Festival of Life in Papua New Guinea.  Estimates are that over 1 million people attended the meetings. 

Leadership Training

More than 10,000 leaders were trained during the Festival of Life outreach in 2009.

Medical/Dental Missions
  • 2010:  Our volunteers treated 3,087 people; nearly 500 souls were saved
  • 2009: During the Festival of Life outreach, our volunteers treated 4,714 and 1,225 accepted Christ.   We also built two new medical wings during the outreach. 

Prison Ministry

2009: In conjunction with the Festival of Life outreach, every prison in the country was visited by the prison teams, distributing 6,136 gift bags and one of Joyce’s books. 

Television and Radio

The Enjoying Everyday Life radio shows are available in English in select areas across the country, and previously aired on television.

Water Relief

Hand of Hope installed three freshwater wells during the Festival of Life in 2009.