Hand of Hope in Moldova

Hand of Hope
1 min read

Population: 3,583,288 - ranks 131st worldwide   
Literacy: 99% 
Official Language: Moldovan Romanian 
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 33,700 sq. km. Landlocked republic between the Ukraine and Romania. 

Book Translation

33,000 of Joyce's books have been distributed across the country through outreaches.

Human Trafficking Rescue

Joyce Meyer Ministries has provided support for the Freedom House, which provides women and their children an escape from the sex trade industry and offers freedom in Christ.


In partnership with Christian Missions International, Joyce Meyer Ministries supports the establishment of new churches within the country.  


In June 2013, the prison team ministered in 17 prisons, giving away 6,860 hygiene gift bags and books by Joyce Meyer.

Television and Radio

The Enjoying Everyday Life television broadcasts are available in Russian in select areas across the country, and previously aired radio.

Water Relief

Through our Water Relief program, Joyce Meyer Ministries has helped dig a well to provide fresh drinking water to villages.