Hand of Hope in France

Hand of Hope
1 min read
Population: 66,259,012 - ranks 21st worldwide 
Literacy: 99%
Official Language: French 
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 543,965 sq. km. The largest country in western Europe.  

Book Translation
Thirty-six of Joyce’s books have been translated and printed in French; over a million books have been distributed in French-speaking countries. 
Foreign Office
Joyce Meyer Ministries operates an office in France, servicing the country and much of French speaking Africa.
International Conferences 
  • 2015: Joyce ministered in Paris, with over 13,000 in attendance, and nearly 2,500 accepted Christ or rededicated their life to Jesus.



We partner with Top Chretien for various outreaches and projects such as TV, Conference Training and Website Training

  • 2018: Prison team distributed gift bags with Joyce's books to 50 inmates.
  • 2016: Prison teams distributed hygiene gift bags and one of Joyce books to 360 inmates.
  • 2013: Prison teams distributed hygiene gift bags and one of Joyce’s books to 427 inmates in the New Caledonia region.
Refugee Relief

Provided ongoing relief in a refugee camp in Paris as well as Syrian family of six.  Provided weekly groceries to the family as well as appliances, furniture, clothing, transportation, and legal advise. 

Television and Radio 
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television and radio shows are available in French in select areas of the country.