Hand of Hope in Egypt @tag1>
Population: 86,895,099 - ranks 15th worldwide
Literacy: 71.4%
Official Language: Arabic
Religion: Islam is the state religion
Geography: Area - 997,739 sq. km. Mostly desert.
Book Translation
Hand of Hope has translated and printed thirty-eight of Joyce's books in Arabic; distributed over 3.8 million books through television and outreaches.
Disaster Relief
- 2017: Hand of Hope provided immediate relief after a church bombing, assisting family and churches recover
- 2015: Refugee Relief
Feeding Programs
Hand of Hope feeds 1,200 children on a regular basis; serving hundreds of thousands of meals yearly through our feeding programs.
Medical and Dental Outreaches
- Short Term Outreach
2008: Hand of Hope volunteers provided free medical care to a total of 2,000 patients. Reaching out to various villages in rural Egypt, we provided care in ophthalmology, internal
medicine, dermatology and pediatrics. - Medical Clinic
2010: Hand of Hope opened a new medical clinic in Shoubra Al Kheima servicing this and surrounding communities, operating through 2013. Three doctors provided pediatrics,
cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal care, and it offered medical examinations and medicine at no cost.
- Hand of Hope partners with Kings Daughters Ministry to provide education, food and clothing to underprivileged teenage girls.
- Hand of Hope partners with Heart of Mercy to provide a village with food, water, medical and other assistance. We launched this program in a second village in 2008. We also launched Bible study groups and formed prayer meetings for the villagers.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television shows have been available in Arabic, English and Turkish in select areas of Egypt.