Hand of Hope in Chile

Hand of Hope

Population: 17,363,894 - ranks 63rd worldwide
Literacy: 95%
Official Language: Spanish
Religion: Freedom of religion
Geography: Area - 756,626 sq. km. Chile is 4,200 km. long and averages only 150 km. in width.

Book Translation

Hand of Hope has distributed thousands of books in Spanish through outreaches.

Disaster Relief

2010: Hand of Hope, after an 8.8 magnitude earthquake; partnered with Convoy of Hope to provide food, clothing, and hygiene kits. We also partnered with La Casa del Senor, a local church in Santiago, supplying food, water and supplies

  • Hand of Hope partners with Global Teen Challenge to reach those struggling with addictions. HOH also funded the purchase of land and buildings; refurbishing them to house the Women's and Children's Center in Chile, near Santiago.  A home was also built for the Director. 
  • Hand of Hope has partnered with various organizations to have outreaches in Chile.
Television and Radio

Joyce's Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in Spanish in select areas of Chile.