Hand of Hope in Canada

Hand of Hope

Population: 34,834,841 - ranks 37th worldwide
Literacy: 99%
Official Language: English and French
Freedom of religion
Area - 9,970,910 sq. km. The world's second-largest country.

Book Translation

Joyce Meyer Ministries has distributed thousands of books throughout the country.

Disaster Relief
  • 2016: Alberta declared a state of emergency in the oil sands community of Fort McMurray. Raging wildfires forced more than 80,000 people from their homes in the largest wildfire evacuation in its history, as explosive fire conditions ravaged homes and businesses. The Alberta Minister of Municipal Affairs declared it a province-wide state of emergency. People often fled, with only what they could carry or fit in their car, to evacuation points at oil sand camps in the North and to other communities in the South.  Alberta firefighters, along with firefighters from across the country, concentrated efforts to save critical city infrastructure.
  • 2013: Alberta, Canada experienced extensive flooding which was declared the worst in the history of this Western Canadian Province. More than 100,000 people were impacted. Many people were displaced from their homes due to flood waters, utility power failures, devastation from damages, and the imminent dangers of associated health risks due to contamination. Hand of Hope, in partnership with First Assembly Church in Calgary, immediately reached out and got involved on the ground level by providing volunteer workers with meals. We also provided volunteers with equipment needed to prepare for restoration and rebuilding, from protective gear to the tools required to help clean.
Foreign Office

Hand of Hope has an office that services Canada.

International Conferences
  • 2014: Joyce ministered in Toronto where 28,800 people attended.
  • 2010: Joyce ministered in Toronto, Ontario 31,500 people attended; 2,118 people accepted Christ.  
  • 2003: Joyce ministered to 19,000 in Toronto, Ontario; 650 accepted Christ.
  • Hand of Hope has partnered with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada to help send food to Africa for hungry children.
  • Canadian friends and partners have supported our partnership with Watoto Child Care Ministry to help build an orphanage in Gulu, Uganda, Sponsored a fully equipped mobile medical unit in Southeast Asia Supported our partnership with Iris Global to provide feeding programs in Mozambique.
Prison Ministry

Overall, we have visited 66 prisons and distributed over 14,000 of Joyce's books.  

  • 2007: The team ministered in Ontario, visiting 30 prisons, and distributing over 7,500 hygiene bags, including one of Joyce's books, in Toronto, Ottawa, Sudbury and Kingston, and other sites.
  • 2006: The prison team ministered at prisons in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, distributing 4,700 hygiene bags including one of Joyce's books. 
  • 2005: The team visited Newfoundland and Labrador, distributing 500 hygiene bags and one of Joyce's books.
  • 2004: The prison team ministered across the east coast of Canada, distributing over 1,632 hygiene gift bags and one of Joyce's books.  They prayed with hundreds of inmates to receive salvation.
Television and Radio

Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television show is available in English.