Hand of Hope in Bulgaria @tag1>
Population: 6,924,716 - ranks 101st worldwide
Literacy: 98%
Official Language: Bulgarian
Religion: Religious freedom, in word only
Geography: Area - 110,912 sq. km. Balkan state.
Anti-Human Trafficking Rescue
Hand of Hope partners with A21 to combat the sex trafficking industry, rescuing girls who have been enslaved in a life of forced prostitution.
Book Translation
Fourteen of Joyce’s books have been translated and printed in Bulgarian; 160,000 through outreaches.
Foreign Office
Joyce Meyer Ministries has a field office that services Bulgaria.
International Conferences
2011: Joyce held a conference in Sofia; over 12,000 attended.
Hand of Hope supports Christian Missions International, who have assisted with church plants in Bulgaria.
Prison Ministry
2014: The prison team visited 14 prisons; distributed 9,500 hygiene gift bags and one of Joyce's books to the inmates.
Television and Radio
Joyce’s Enjoying Everyday Life television shows are available in Bulgarian throughout the country, and previously aired on radio.