Hand of Hope in Bangladesh

Hand of Hope – Aug 26, 2024

Population: 166,280,712 - ranks 8th worldwide 
Literacy: 41% 
Official Language: Bangla; English often used. 
Religion: Officially, there is religious freedom.    
Geography: Area - 143,998 sq. km. Occupies the delta and floodplains of the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers.

Book Translation

Eighteen of Joyce's books have been translated and printed in Bengali; distributed 1.1 million copies through outreaches. 

Disaster Relief

2007: Hand of Hope provided temporary housing, food, water and vital necessities to those in need after a cyclone. 

Feeding Programs

Hand of Hope served tens of thousands of meals yearly in Bangladesh through 2021.


Hand of Hope has partnered with Speed the Seed to help with natural disasters.

Television and Broadcast

Joyce's Enjoying Everyday Life television show is airing in Hindi and Punjabi in the country. Enjoying Everyday Life previously aired in English, Bengali, Kannada and Oriya in select areas across Bangladesh.