Genesis Men's Home: A Place for New Creations

The Genesis Men’s Home is a national outreach of the St. Louis Dream Center, giving men the opportunity to receive miraculous life transformation.

Hand of Hope
Genesis Mens Home A Place For New Creations

The Genesis Men’s Home is a national outreach of the St. Louis Dream Center, giving men the opportunity to receive miraculous life transformation. Through this life-changing program men are encouraged to become more like Jesus in both word and deed.  

Modeled after Teen Challenge, adult men enter the 12 month discipleship program and immerse themselves in a constant schedule of Christian education, pastoral counseling, anger management, relapse prevention, and therapeutic work experiences. 

Genesis Men’s Home is committed to the complete recovery of every single individual that enrolls in the program. As such, it is absolutely amazing what God has allowed the Genesis Men’s Home to accomplish. In 2013 men at the Genesis Home received precious second chances, became reconciled to God, had chains of addiction broken, and their families restored. We are believing to do even more because we serve a God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ever dare to hope, think or imagine.  

Today we have 36 students enrolled in the program and we consider it such a privilege to work with these men. Together, through your vital support, we are making a difference in the lives of those we teach. If someone you love is struggling with a life-controlling problem we have the answer. At Genesis Men’s Home the answer is Jesus Christ. To learn more about this life-changing program, visit us at Genesis Mens Home 

Therefore, if anyone be in Christ he is a new creation. The old is gone, behold the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

At Genesis Men’s Home, behold the new has come. Thanks to the partners and friends of Joyce Meyer Ministries; through your support we are all helping to change lives in the inner city of St. Louis and around the world. Together we are better.

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