A Huge Step of Faith

Overcoming his fears, a man from Togo takes a huge step of faith.

Hand of Hope
2 min read
A Huge Step of Faith

The 67-year-old deacon’s face began to glow with a smile as he took a series of small, shuffle-like steps. His wife was overjoyed! Each person there was united in faith and praising God together as the man, Mawuli, began walking in circles around the room.

It happened the first day of our first outreach in Togo: a country where many live on less than one dollar per day, a place where our ministry team was reminded again and again that the healing Gospel of Christ is the best medicine of all.

Early in the morning, Mawuli came to the clinic carried by two younger men. He stated that he’d suffered a stroke two years ago, which caused paralysis on his right side and made it impossible for him to walk. He also told us that he was a man of faith—a deacon at a local Pentecostal church—but that in the past few months, his motivation to live and walk had been decreasing.

Then and there, a member of our ministry team spent a half hour or more encouraging him in God’s Word, reminding Mawuli of his identity in Christ and reciting scriptures to renew his mind and strengthen his faith. After receiving this encouragement, he said he wanted to walk again.

Mawuli and his wife were then ushered to the physical therapy area where a trained professional taught them various exercises that could be done at home to strengthen his leg and the right side of his body.

Slowly, Mawuli took a huge step of faith, and another and another. He was walking on his own! It was only one of many miraculous works that God did in Togo during our medical/dental outreach in August 2018.

More than 2,000 patients were served during this single outreach, and of that number, 477 were moved to receive Christ as their loving, healing Savior. All of it was possible thanks to YOU and your support of Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions.

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