A Blessing for El Salvador @tag1>
This snapshot from El Salvador will remind you of the blessings God gives us...and the ones we can share. @tag2>

Coffee is one of the main crops grown in El Salvador, and the green rolling hillsides look lush and peaceful, but life in general is not. It’s more like a war zone where residents live in hiding, hoping to survive hostile crossfire between rival gangs and police.
El Salvador is a nation that needs our prayers and support. And we want to share with you one of the ways you’re already making a difference there.
In March 2017, Hand of Hope, Joyce Meyer Ministries World Missions, in partnership with Abigail Association, began operating a healthcare clinic in San Jose Villanueva. It’s a safe place for people to come for compassionate healthcare, and emotional and spiritual support.
The medical/dental facility is a permanent fixture in the village. It has four furnished exam rooms, two fully-equipped dental chairs, and a pharmacy. Local health care professionals provide much-needed care to local residents like Maria Ramirez.
A Healing, Helpful Atmosphere
We met Maria at the clinic, where she comes for routine checkups and receives insulin to manage her diabetes.
“The clinic is really good for the community and very helpful,” Maria said, adding that it’s very affordable.
For just $2, patients can see a doctor or dentist for a checkup and receive any needed prescriptions for free.
Maria used to have her diabetes checked at a local hospital, but the environment at the Hand of Hope clinic is much different, she said.
“Usually in the hospital, some people…get madder, or are moody, but at the clinic, I feel very happy, very comfortable, very loved.”
Christ’s Love Shines Through Prayer
At the San Jose Villanueva Medical Clinic, a great deal of attention is placed on each patient’s well-being. The doctors take the time to find the treatments that will work best for each person. And if they notice a patient is struggling in other areas, such as their mental or emotional health, they’ll offer a solution for that too.
Spanish-language resources filled with God’s Word are readily available for patients—and Joyce’s books are given out daily. When a doctor sees someone who looks depressed or who says they’re struggling with stress, they will offer a resource for free on that topic to help.
Often, they take time to pray with patients like Maria.
“I love Jesus. So, I’m very happy that they did that,” said Maria.
The ultimate goal is to share the love of Christ with each patient, to let them know they’re valuable in God’s eyes. Maria said, “The doctors always ask me, ‘When are you going to come back again?’ And I say, ‘Oh, when I get sick again,’” she said, laughing.