Simplicity @tag1>
Five Things Little Kids Can Teach You @tag2>

How many days a week do you feel like life is just too complicated? Even if it isn't, it doesn't take us long to make things complicated. Human beings just have this innate ability to ramp up everything to the next level.
I once tried to plan a simple barbecue party...I was going to invite two couples from church, grill hot dogs and hamburgers, and just sit around and fellowship. Sounds good, right?
Well, in one week I managed to turn two couples into 20, buy expensive steaks I couldn't afford, and drive my family crazy with a list of chores I was convinced we just had to do before company came over.
Frankly, I just wanted to impress people. And because of it, I had a miserable week—and I made my family miserable too.
What's the simple solution to all of this? I believe the answer is in Luke 18:17: Whoever does not accept and receive and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child [does] shall not in any way enter it [at all] (AMPC).
Did you notice it says like a child? As we get older, we begin to complicate things. But when we're really little, there's just none of that.
Little children aren't complicated. They don't live their life trying to impress anyone. And they can teach us a lot about how to enjoy life.
Lesson 1: Let Things Go
One thing about children is they are extremely forgiving. One minute they can be fighting over a toy and the next minute they're hugging.
I can tell you that hating people is complicated, and it's hard work. You can carry a grudge and be bitter, resentful, mad and offended. And every time you see "that person" you can cringe inside and you can talk about them behind their back—or you can spare yourself the trouble.
Listen, don't waste the rest of your life sulking about some unfair thing that happened to you. Get yourself off your mind…and simplify.
Lesson 2: Be a Dreamer
Another thing children do that makes their lives simple is that they so easily believe. They believe in magic and fairytales. They have no problem coming up with imaginary playmates or imagining life to be amazing and fantastic.
There's a book by John Ortberg called, God Is Closer Than You Think. And in it, he writes about a little girl who said she knew Jesus was living in her heart because when she put her hand to her chest, she could feel Him walking around.
Now, we adults know she was just feeling her heartbeat. But that little, childlike spirit felt God inside her! And when you think about it, she was right because a beating heart is a sign that life is in you.
As adults, we need to move into the supernatural realm and start dreaming again. We need to create joy in our own lives. It's a right and privilege we have as children of God, but it's a decision we must choose to make.
Lesson 3: Pick Up Your Toys
Some of us can simplify our lives very easily, even without using our imaginations.
For one thing, we can go home and clean up our rooms. Keep the stuff you use and keep the stuff you love. But give away what you're holding on to for someday because odds are when you need it, you won't remember where you put it.
Lesson 4: Focus Your Attention
Another way you can simplify your life is to practice doing one thing at a time. Multitasking may be popular, but the Bible tells us to give our mind to what we are doing (see Ecclesiastes 5:1).
Lesson 5: Ask Your Father
Finally, you can simplify your life just by trusting that God loves you and hears your prayers. Philippians 4:6 says, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
If you want something, ask Him for it. If it's right, He'll give it to you. If it's not, just know He has something better for you in mind.
It really is that simple! I encourage you-be a little more childlike in your approach to life. Who may just feel Jesus walking around in your heart.