What to Do When You Feel Small @tag1>
Overcoming Intimidation and Pursuing God's Plan with Confidence @tag2>

Most people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. Goliath was a giant warrior who came against the armies of Israel and the soldiers were terrified to fight him (1 Samuel 17).
But David, who was a young shepherd at this point in his life, came forward and asked, “What will be done for the man who slays Goliath?”
Now, that was a pretty bold move on David’s part. In fact, his oldest brother, Eliab, began to mock him, basically saying, “What are you doing here? You’re no soldier. Don’t you have a few sheep to tend to?”
But David was used to that kind of attitude coming from his brothers—and he already knew who he was in his relationship with God.
So how did he respond? It says in 1 Samuel 17:30 (AMP) that “David turned away from Eliab.” In other words, he just went on doing what he was doing. That’s exactly what we need to learn how to do!
See, when we believe we have an assignment from God—a dream, a goal, a plan, or a vision—we need to stop thinking about what everybody else says we can’t do...and simply focus on who God says we are and what He says we can do.
Press Forward into God’s Good Plan
Have you ever been in a room full of people who seemed smarter or more talented than you, and you started to feel insignificant and small?
I can vividly remember a time years ago, in the early days of this ministry, when I was invited to speak at a large conference with many well-known speakers. At one point, the host called every speaker up to the stage to give a quick synopsis of what they planned to teach about in their individual workshops.
I was petrified! As I stood up there on that stage, the enemy began attacking my mind with thoughts like, You don’t belong here! You’re just a nobody from Fenton, Missouri, who nobody knows!
In that moment, I had a choice: I could either run off that stage and go home...or I could ignore the lies of the enemy and choose to go forward, knowing who God says I am and doing what He told me to do.
Well, even though I was shaking, I managed to say a few things and talk about my workshop. Later that day, more people attended my session than any other! The enemy simply wanted to stop me from succeeding.
You see, when you feel that sense of “smallness” come over you, that’s Satan trying to diminish you. But the Bible clearly states that Satan is a liar, and “the accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10).
When he comes at you with his lies, don’t bother entertaining those thoughts or even try to argue with him. The best thing you can do is turn away and go about your business.
You don’t have to feel intimidated by anybody or anything because your worth is not in what you do, but it’s in who you are in Christ—who God says you are.
And here’s something else to think about: If you really want to do something for God, you might as well get used to people telling you what you can’t do because the enemy wants you to think it’s impossible. You need to know in your heart that God is always with you!
It’s amazing what God will do if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other and just refuse to give up.
I encourage you to get up every day and keep pressing forward. Keep studying God’s Word and asking Him to lead and guide you in everything you do.
Because as you continue to seek God and learn what He says about you in His Word, it will open your eyes to the greatness He has placed inside of you, and no man can take that away.