Turn Your Day Around

Finding Joy in Every Circumstance

Joyce Meyer
3 min read

Have you ever thought, I’m having a really bad day! Maybe you have even said those words out loud.

It could be a day when you spilled your coffee before you even had a sip, or a day when your boss is in a bad mood or the car was making that awful noise again—it could be any number of things.

Well, if you can relate (and you probably can), I want to share something with you that God has taught me about these kinds of days: When I walk with Him, every day can be a great day no matter what the circumstances.

You and I don’t have to go through life letting things around us determine the quality of our lives. Our joy isn’t dependent on the weather, our bank account or what someone else says about us. It doesn’t matter what is happening around us—the thing that really matters is what’s happening in us. The Bible says, . . . He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

As a child of God, you are given so much more than the world has to offer. You don’t have to live a frustrated, unfulfilled life. Jesus came to give you something so much better. In John 10:10 Jesus says, . . . I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

This is absolutely one of my favorite verses in the entire Bible! It tells us that God doesn’t want us to constantly struggle to just make it through the day. God wants us to enjoy being alive! His plan for us is to live with abundant, overflowing joy. . . not just a few days each week, just on weekends or holidays, but each and every day of our life.

You may read that and think, Joyce, it’s impossible to enjoy life every single day. There are just too many challenges and difficulties in the world. Well, it is true that some days will be tougher than others. And, yes, it’s a fact that you and I will face obstacles and tough circumstances. But a difficult day is simply an opportunity for God to do something new and incredible in your life.

Ask yourself these questions: Is my daily happiness determined by outside factors—how a coworker treats me, the mood my spouse is in or an unforeseen challenge that appears? Do I sometimes feel like I’m on an emotional roller coaster? Do I sometimes feel jealous of the life someone else has? Have I ever felt like I’m settling for less than God’s best?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, I have good news for you: It can change today. You can actually experience and enjoy the life God has for you because it’s nothing less than amazing.

So, the next time things aren’t going your way and you’re tempted to just call it a “bad day” and give up, I want you to say this instead: “My God is turning this day around for my good!”

And then look around you and find someone else to help. When you decide to help others, you’re not only going to improve their lives, you’re going to improve your own. You will experience that feeling of joy and satisfaction that can turn your day around.

I believe with all my heart that He wants you to begin experiencing the joy of loving your life every single day. He did it for me, and I know He can do it for you too.

Remember, the next time you’re tempted to throw in the towel, thinking, Today is just another bad day—take a new approach. God can turn it around! He can help you love your life today, tomorrow and every day from this moment on.

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