The Rewards of Faithfulness @tag1>
The Transformative Power of Faithfulness in Every Area of Life @tag2>

It’s What You Do Repeatedly that Makes All the Difference
Faithfulness is a character trait we all want other people to have. We want our spouse to be faithful to us in good times and bad. We want the guy who’s repairing our roof to do a good job and get it finished on time. And we want our children to obey us—not just to get gifts or special privileges, but because they trust us and believe we want the best for them.
Faithfulness is a wonderful thing. But it’s not easy to be faithful, and it’s not easy to find people who fit the definition these days. However, being faithful and doing what we know is right can bring us real joy and satisfaction.
Faithfulness Comes with Benefits
Second Timothy 2:13 says, If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true (faithful to His Word and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself (AMPC).
I love that about God! No matter what we do or don’t do, His attitude toward us is always the same. And that’s the kind of stability that people need to see from Christians today. They need to see people who reflect God’s character in good times and bad. They need to see faithfulness!
Sometimes we start out doing the right thing for a while and then, when we don’t get a right result or a positive response from people, we change our mind and do something else. But God wants us to remain faithful to His Word even during times of discouragement. And for our faithfulness, He promises us a reward.
Galatians 6:9 says, And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint (AMPC).
There will always be a reward for our faithfulness, just as God has promised. We may not know when it will come, but we can trust that it will. And really, our motivation needs to be deeper than that. Instead of having our hearts set on rewards, we can set our hearts to be happy doing what’s right just because it pleases God.
Is there an area of your life where God wants you to come up higher? We all have something we can improve on. I want to encourage you to make your mind up to follow through with whatever God has put on your heart to do and what you’ve learned about in His Word.
Maybe you’ve been doing a little bit less than you know you should do at work or in your relationships and now it’s starting to take some of the joy out of things.
Decide today that no matter what other people may do, you’re going to give God your best, and you’re not going to stop when things get hard. Because with God’s help, you can always do whatever He is leading you to do!
Don’t Give Up Now!
It’s amazing how God can help us and give us the strength to do even the most difficult things with a degree of ease. The problem may not be easy. But you can get through it because God is on your side, and He will help you finish what you start.
Maybe you have 20 unfinished projects going on at your house and they’re starting to aggravate you. Or maybe there are relationships in your life that you need to attend to. Do what you know you need to do, one step at a time, and eventually you will reach your goal if you won’t give up. All great men and women of faith finish what they start!
Jesus said, I have glorified You down here on the earth by completing the work that You gave Me to do (John 17:4 AMPC). The apostle Paul said, ...Neither do I esteem my life dear to myself, if only I may finish my course with joy... (Acts 20:24 AMPC).
Keep doing what you know is right, even when you’re not getting immediate results. Do it even when no one is looking…just because you want to be the great man or woman of faith that God created you to be.
Because when we’re faithful, we bring glory to God. And if we can make that our main motivation in life, we’ll be happy with the results that come our way.