How to Be a Confident Mom - Part 2

Navigating Motherhood with Faith and Joy

Joyce Meyer
3 min read
mom with her daughter

Nobody’s Perfect

Sometimes moms miss out on what could be joy-filled moments because they are concerned they aren’t measuring up to other moms. But God’s Word says it’s unwise to make comparisons (see 2 Corinthians 10:12).

He doesn’t want you to be like other moms. He wants you to celebrate the fact that you are unique!

Every person has special gifts and talents. And at the same time, we are all surrounded by people who have different gifts and abilities that we don't have.

Insecurity and a lack of confidence will not only steal your ability to enjoy other people’s gifts—it will cause you to feel inadequate and may even keep you from pursuing the wonderful life God has planned for you.

God made you one-of-a-kind and wonderful in your own way. So cultivate your strengths, gifts, and personalities, and pass that confidence on to your children by appreciating and encouraging their uniqueness.

You don't have to be perfect. Just do the best you can and remember that God will do what you can’t as you trust in Him.

It’s easy to get stuck thinking what could’ve, would’ve, or should’ve been, or spend time wishing things were different than they are. But like worrying, wishing is a waste of time.

Life is always more enjoyable and fulfilling when we choose to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and contentment.

I am not encouraging you to settle for situations that need to be improved, but I am urging you to accept the way God made you and the life He has given you.

The truth is, nobody has the perfect life.

Decide today to take the first step toward learning to enjoy your life by making the most of what you have. It also helps to embrace the ordinary—to delight in little things, to appreciate small blessings other people might overlook.

Whatever situation you find yourself in—and no matter what is happening with your children, you always have access to the unlimited, unconditional love of God.

Love is the greatest gift a mom can give. Yet all too often, moms are running on empty, trying to give their children what they haven’t received for themselves.

Throughout the years, God has encouraged me to get filled up spiritually in a variety of ways.

I started by studying what the Word says about His love, and made a point to declare out loud several times a day “God loves me.” It felt uncomfortable at first, but doing this helped me embrace the truth of God’s love. I encourage you to do this too.

Say to yourself "God loves me," and let it sink in. Repeat it often: when you awake in the morning, when you go to bed at night, and throughout the entire day. Look at yourself in the mirror, point to yourself, call yourself by name, and say, "God loves me.''

You can also keep a book of remembrance filled with special things God does for you. Include the little things as well as major things. And read over your list at least once a week to keep yourself encouraged.

Read some good books about God's love. After God gave me a personal revelation about His love for me, one of the first messages I ever taught was about the love of God. Through that experience I wrote a book called, Tell Them I Love Them.

Pray for the Holy Spirit, Who is our Helper and Teacher, to give you a personal revelation of God's love.

Always remember, you’re not alone. God is always with you. Lean on Him for the grace and wisdom to follow His lead. He’s the best teacher, comforter, confidant and encourager there is, and He can give you all the peace, patience and confidence you need to succeed.

When your confidence is in Him, you can truly enjoy every minute of your journey.

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