God is with You through it All @tag1>
Receive His comfort and leave anxiety behind @tag2>

Over the years, I have learned to begin viewing the difficult times in life as opportunities to receive God’s supernatural help and comfort. Although I have had to go through tough circumstances, I have also found that His grace will far exceed anything we will ever face. God is the only One Who can take a negative situation and work it out for our good (see Romans 8:28).
When we are anxious or worried, it’s important to remember that God is still working on our behalf. When we’re experiencing the pain of anxiety, God wants to comfort us and be the strength we need.
In fact, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter. When we begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell on the inside of us. God literally gives each one of us a little piece of Himself. All of His power, strength, comfort, creativity, help, and direction are available to us at all times.
In John 16:7, Jesus told the disciples that it was actually better for Him to go away because then the Holy Spirit would come. You see, Jesus could only be in one place at one time. However, the Holy Spirit can be everywhere, all the time.
Look at this verse in its entirety. Jesus says: However, I am telling you nothing but the truth when I say it is profitable (good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you [into close fellowship with you]; but if I go away, I will send Him to you [to be in close fellowship with you] (AMPC).
Here, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as “the Comforter.” The Holy Spirit, who dwells on the inside of us, knows us better than anyone else. And when life is painful, He has the ability to bring strength and healing right where we hurt.
You see, the comfort of the Holy Spirit goes far beyond any ordinary kind of comfort. He is the only One who can help heal your pain and carry you through things like anxiety, grief, loss and life’s disappointments.
When you struggle with anxiety, I encourage you to take a moment to stop and ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you right in the midst of it. At any time you can pray things like: “Holy Spirit, please help me in this moment. I know You are with me, and I ask You to fill me with peace and strengthen my mind, body and emotions as I deal with this situation. Help me to sense Your presence in the midst of what I am going through right now.”
There Is Nothing to Fear
When worry and anxiety strike, it’s helpful to remember that what you’re going through now isn’t going to last forever. When I’m going through a hard time, I like to remind myself, “This too shall pass.” In the meantime, you can choose to place your trust in God and believe that He will work everything out.
It’s also good to stay in God’s Word and encourage yourself with scriptures like Isaiah 41:10. God says, Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you... (AMPC).
The good news is that Jesus is with you through every storm, and you are going to come out stronger on the other side. He’s the One who loves you unconditionally, and He’s the One who can take even painful times of anxiety and turn them into something good as you place your trust in Him.
When you are hurting, I encourage you to run to God—the “Source of every comfort” (see 2 Corinthians 1:3). Spend time in His Word, talk to Him in prayer, and choose to worship Him even when you don’t feel like it. Yes, the Lord will often use others to comfort us. But even those people who are extremely close to us cannot give us everything we need all the time.
When we expect others to do for us what only God can do, we have our expectations in the wrong place, and we will always be disappointed. However, the Bible says those who put their hope in the Lord will never be disappointed (see Isaiah 49:23).
Psalm 34:18 (NIV) says, The Lord is close to those who are of a broken heart…. He sees every hurt, every trial and every disappointment. He knows when we are anxious or fearful. And if we let Him, He will take these things and work them out for our good.