Dealing with Doubt and Uncertainty @tag1>
Doubt is a fear that can bring a lot of confusion @tag2>

When it comes to doing those things that God places in our hearts, He wants us to be bold and courageous, not shrinking back in fear and doubt.
To live boldly means that we’re willing to step out in faith to try new things and pursue our God-given dreams and passions without letting the fear of doubt overshadow our faith.
Doubt is a fear that can bring a lot of confusion. Have you ever thought, Did I make the right decision? I don’t know. Maybe I did. Well, maybe I didn’t.
We can go back and forth like that in our heads forever, but I’ve found that when I’m confused, it’s better to stop, turn off my brain and just look at what’s in my heart—not for what I think I should do, but what I believe I should do.
Sometimes it becomes very clear what God wants us to do, and other times it’s less obvious. But before you jump ahead, give God a chance to speak to your heart.
It’s also common to experience doubt after we’ve made a decision. But going back and forth between two options only makes us miserable!
James 1:6 (AMPC) says, ...For the one who wavers (hesitates, doubts) is like the billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind.
When we struggle with doubt and indecision, it feels like we’re trying to go in two different directions at the same time. And it’s tormenting to be torn between two places, not able to decide what we really believe.
It’s in those moments we have to choose whether we are going to believe God or the enemy...God or our feelings...God or what people tell us...God or our circumstances.
When doubt comes against us, we have to lift up our shield of faith. Ephesians 6:16 (AMP) says, Above all, lift up the [protective] shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Fear and doubt are just some of the ways Satan attempts to throw us off our game and keep us from walking in God’s good plan. So, when the enemy begins to throw his flaming arrows of doubt at us, we need to lift up our shield!
One major way to stay in faith is to open our mouth and say what God’s Word says, rather than speaking words of doubt or complaining about the problem.
When we’re indecisive, it’s so easy to walk around saying, “Man, I just don’t know what to do. I wish I knew what to do.”
Instead, speak words of faith! Say things like:
“God speaks to my heart and shows me the right way to go” (Psalm 32:8).
“I am bold and decisive—I acknowledge the Lord, and He directs my steps” (Proverbs 16:9).
The great news is that God loves you and He wants to lead you and guide you into His perfect will. He has your best in mind at all times.
Look with me at James 1:5. It says, If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given to him (AMPC).
Wow—what a promise! This means that even with our imperfections, God will be faithful to give us what we need if we ask for His help.
I’ve learned through my own relationship with the Lord that He’s not expecting me to be perfect. He simply wants me to do my best to walk in His will and take steps of faith as He leads me.
God really does want to speak to you personally—through His Word and through the leading of His Holy Spirit. So, don’t be afraid to step out and do what’s in your heart.
I often say, “Step out and find out!” If you make a mistake, you’ll learn from it and go on.
I remember one particular day when I was trying to make a decision about moving forward in a certain area. I believed the Lord was leading me to step out, but I still had doubts. I didn’t want to take that step unless I was 100 percent certain it was God.
As I was praying about the decision, I said, “But God, what if I step out and it’s the wrong thing? What if I miss Your will?”
I’ll never forget what He spoke to my heart that day. He said, “Joyce, if you miss Me, I can find you!”
That was so liberating for me! I realized I didn’t have to be perfect all of the time. God just wanted me to trust Him and do my best.
God is greater than your mistakes. He doesn’t want you to live in fear and doubt, always afraid to make a decision or move forward. He wants you to be confident in your ability to hear from Him, then boldly step out in faith.