Can You Hear Me Now?

Understanding communication will improve your relationships

Staff Writer
Can You Hear Me Now

We all have to communicate. It’s a basic part of daily life, and our ability to do it effectively determines whether we reach our potential and can fully experience God’s plans for our lives.

As a gifted communicator with many years of experience teaching God’s Word to people all over the world, Joyce has discovered proven practical principles and strategies to help anyone who wants to improve their skills in this area. Here she shares why this topic is so important and how it can make a difference in your life personally, professionally or both.

Q: Joyce, why is communication so vital in our everyday lives?

A: Proper, thorough, clear, and complete communication matters more than we often realize. For example, I watched a TV show about three particular airline crashes and learned that all three events were caused by miscommunication between the pilots and air traffic control. 

These situations are major tragedies, but good communication is just as important when it comes to the quality of our relationships and our ability to make progress personally or professionally.

Q: What holds people back when it comes to being a good communicator?

A: Some common excuses are, “I’m just too shy. I’m insecure and don’t have the confidence to do it well,” or “I’m afraid,” or “I don’t have that type of personality.”

I want to say that whether you consider yourself a naturally gifted communicator or not, anyone can learn how to do this. You can discover how to communicate more effectively.

Understanding communication will improve your relationships, your professional success, and whether you ever take the stage or not, it will equip you for whatever you may face.

Q: How does poor communication or lack of communication impact our lives?

A: It causes so many problems, such as the breakdown or destruction of relationships. Poor communication is one of the top reasons for divorce. It’s also a common reason for more minor frustrations. It really annoys me when people don’t do what they say they’re going to do, or they don’t bother to communicate when they can’t do it.

Making assumptions is another mistake we make in relationships. Let’s say Dave makes plans to play golf on Saturday but doesn’t tell me, and I’m counting on him to do something with me that day but didn’t bother to tell him. 

It’s important to remember that people cannot read your mind. Have you ever said, “Well, I thought you knew...”? How can someone know if you don’t tell them?

In the workplace, incomplete or lack of communication creates confusion and misunderstandings that cause extra work for people that is totally unnecessary. For example, three people could end up doing the same job because no one accurately or clearly informed them of who was assigned to do it. Also, it can make people feel overlooked and disrespected when they are not given information about projects or areas that concern them.

Q: What are some practical tips you can give that will make people stronger communicators in their daily lives?

A: The Bible has a lot to say about our words. Colossians 4:6 (NIV) says, Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Ephesians 4:15 tells us to speak the truth in love, and 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV) says, Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

Good communication requires us to speak the truth in love. In other words, when you’re talking to people, be loving and think about all that love means (1 Corinthians 13). Be genuine, sincere and authentic.

When it comes to our daily interactions with others, we can save ourselves a lot of problems simply by being considerate. For example, be mindful to express gratitude, appreciation, changes in your schedule, and recognize when you make a mistake. Say things like...

  • "I’m going to be late.” (I let people know even if I’m going to be five minutes late for an appointment.)
  • "Something came up and now I can’t make it.” (Don’t ignore your commitments; communicate when something comes up that keeps you from doing them.)
  • "Thank you!” (This simple response makes everyone feel appreciated.)
  • "I’m sorry.” (Two very important words we all need to say at times.)
  • "I appreciate your hard work.” (This can make all the difference in boosting someone’s morale.)
  • "You are important to me.” (Don’t just think it—say it and show it!)


Q: What closing words would you like to share about communication?

A: I want people to have the confidence that they can become good communicators. It takes practice and a willingness to change if you need to, but no matter how strong or weak you are in your communication skills, you can learn how to improve.

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