Be Diligent and Steadfast @tag1>

Adapted from Closer to God Each Day
“…In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
Many people live lives far short of God’s best because they expect things to always be convenient or easy. But this false expectation will always cheat us out of the rewards God has for us simply because we want to avoid difficulty.
Jesus never promised things would be easy, but He did promise us victory, because He has overcome the world. If we don’t get weary of doing what is right, we will reap great benefits.
God is a loving Father, and He wants to bless you in so many ways. Sometimes you may go through difficulties first, but there are always blessings on the other side. Remember, you can always rely on His strength to see you through, because He has overcome the world.
If you refuse to give up, with God’s help, you’ll overcome every challenge and receive God’s best for your life.
Prayer of the Day: Father, anytime I feel discouraged or weary, help me remember that there is always hope for those who are diligent. Help me be filled with hope in You, knowing You have overcome the world, amen.