Stay Happy

Joyce Meyer – Nov 01, 2024
Bible open on a desk ready for reading a daily devotional.

Adapted from Mornings with God

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Recently my daughter-in-law sent me a video of our youngest grandchild, Brody, who is 3 years old, saying, “Don’t worry, be happy. That’s all!” I think he has the formula for a healthy and happy life. Depression and discouragement drag us down, and I think they may open us up for disease. But ...the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10), and a cheerful heart is medicine... (Proverbs 17:22 NIV). Just imagine how much better you might feel if you laughed more.

There are many things in the world these days to make us sad, but if we put our trust in God, we can relax and not worry about them. Take every opportunity you can to laugh. Find clean comedians and watch their programs. Look up funny things children do and watch their videos. Laugh at yourself more instead of getting upset every time you drop or spill something. You need to clean it up anyway, so what good will it do to get angry about it?

Take my grandson’s advice: “Don’t worry, be happy. That’s all!”

Prayer of the Day: Father God, please help me to embrace joy and laughter in my life, and to trust in You to overcome worry and discouragement. Help me to allow Your strength to fill my heart today, amen.

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