Open rebuke is better than love that is hidden.
Hiding your true feelings, like resentment or unforgiveness, keeps you in bondage to them.
It is impossible to get your day started right if you keep waking up with pain from yesterday’s wounds. If you carry around this kind of “emotional baggage,” it will poison your day.
Sometimes you have to confront things to make them better. But use wisdom. While it is good to talk about things, don’t dump all your thoughts and emotions on every person who comes along today.
Talk to God about your situation before you meet anyone. He may lead you to speak with someone you trust. But if He doesn’t, learn to trust it completely to Him, and let it go.
Prayer of the Day: Father God, I need Your help to let go of unforgiveness and the things that have hurt me in the past, and instead trust You to heal my heart and guide my words, amen.