Speak Words of Wisdom

Joyce Meyer – Sep 13, 2024
A cup of coffee and an open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional sitting by a lake.

Adapted from Ending Your Day Right

…For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth speaks.

It is challenging to say right things when you feel totally wrong. When your emotions are running high or low, you are tempted to speak emotionally rather than sensibly. But you must allow wisdom to rise above emotion.

God spoke about nonexistent things as if they already existed, and He created the world with faith-filled words. You are created in His image, and you can also call things that are not as though they are. You can speak positive things about yourself into the atmosphere and thereby “prophesy your future.”

Think about the words you speak, and you will learn a lot about yourself. As a Christian, you are God’s representative, and your words should reflect His character. Meditating on the goodness of God will fill your heart with joy, and the words you speak will glorify Him and be a testimony to others.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, thank You for the power that is already available to me, and the authority I have as a believer in You. Because of what Jesus did for me on the Cross, I have the power to defeat the enemy at every turn. I love You so much, amen.

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