The Right Perspective on Fear

Joyce Meyer – Jul 09, 2024
2 min read
Open Bible ready for reading a daily devotional with a cloudy blue sky in the background.

Adapted from Trusting God Day by Day

Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties….

What does this scripture mean when it says, Fear not . . . for I am with you . . . I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties? It means God makes us stronger and stronger as we go through things. It also means that over time, we become less affected by the difficulties and challenges we face. It is like exercise. When we first do it, we get sore, but as we press through the soreness, we build muscle and gain strength. We must go through the pain to get the gain.

Consider your life. Are there situations you now handle well that would have previously made you feel fearful and anxious? Of course there are. As you have been walking with God, He has been strengthening you and hardening you to difficulties. In the same way, I can also assure you and encourage you that some of the things bothering you right now will not affect you the same way in five years.

If God removed all challenges, we would never grow and overcome obstacles. He often permits difficulty in our lives because He is trying to reveal something that needs to be strengthened or changed in us. Our weaknesses are never revealed in good times, but they quickly show up in times of trial and tribulation.

Sometimes He shows us what we are afraid of because He wants to deliver us from that fear and strengthen us for things that will come in the future. In those times, we need to say, “Thank You, God, for allowing me to see that fear in my life. It reveals an area that needs to be dealt with in me.” Once that particular area of fear is dealt with, then the enemy will have a very hard time bothering you—and succeeding—in that area again. This is one way God hardens us to difficulties and teaches us to not be afraid.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, there are times that dread takes hold and keeps me from doing the things I know I should do. Help me to do whatever I need to do today and get it over with. In the name of Jesus, I will do all things with joy and strength, trusting You more than my fear, amen.

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