Come close to God and He will come close to you….
Not everyone is willing to pay the price required to be close to God. Not willing to simply take the time required or make the investments needed for spiritual growth. God doesn't ask for all our time. He certainly wants us to do things we don't consider "spiritual." He designed us with bodies, souls (minds, wills, and emotions), and spirits, and He expects us to take care of all these areas. Exercising our bodies and caring for our souls takes time and effort. Our emotions need to be ministered to; we need to have fun and be entertained, and we need to enjoy being with other people. Our minds need to grow and be renewed daily. In addition, we have a spiritual nature that needs attention. To stay balanced and healthy, we must take time to take care of our entire being.
I believe the whole issue of intimacy with God is a matter of time. We say we don't have time to seek God, but the truth is that we take time to do the things that are most important to us. Even though we all have to fight distractions every day, if knowing God and hearing from Him is important to us then we will find time to do it. Don't try to work God into your schedule, but instead work your schedule around time with Him.
Getting to know God is a long-term investment, so don't get discouraged if you don't get instant results. Be determined to honor Him with your time and you will reap the benefits.
Prayer of the Day: Father, I want to get more intimate with You. Help me to keep the distractions to a minimum and help me to make spending time with You my first priority. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.